pages 6 & 7 yo!

Posted by Tash on 9:09 AM

Jacobs cool computer program:
This talks about how this one dude named Jacob like to mess around with computers like when he was 8 yrs. old and stuff. He had a great interest in taking them apart and putting them back together all de time. So one day he hears that his sisters school is gonna throw away like 80 su'um computers and so he like takes them fixes them and then gives them away to needy people. So this is what started his Computers for Communities Organization. Where he refurbishes computers and gives em up to needy people. Thats cool dude keep up da good work son!

Wed search
in my opinion was boring and i thought that this was kinda bias. I mean they did research on des kids that maybe were from like some where that don't really know how to use the internet on research and then they go and base this so called research to identify all teens don't know how to use the internet when hello there are more then these few kids that can really get down with da internet... i personally know a lot! so i thought this was very uncool.

The it factor
this was very boring i did read it but i don't really remember it cuz it was boring. But what i do remember it said su'um about how people think that there aren't like good tech jobs out there but they say that this is totally wrong... idk but wat ever i didn't like this one!