What i read from chapter 2-5

Posted by Tash on 9:19 AM
Go Green
was interesting to know that this guys job it just to keep this golf course looking authentic. Cause it's suppose to resemble the famous course in Ireland. WOW i think it's just a trip to know that these people send a whole lot of time worried about grass... isn't there other, more important things to do besides this???
Mom Is My Copilot
I can so relate to this one right here. I can't believe that people actually like when their parents get all in their business about school. I mean I know that they are just trying to help us make a wise choice, but damn, they have been telling us what to do for our whole lives, and we are suppose to be growing up, yet they insist on getting involved about our schooling when they would even be there. I really didn't like my mom telling me what school I should go to because it want my choice and it was only because she wants me close to home! We disagree right now about that!
Lights! Camera! Action!
This just talks about doing resumes through video messages. I think that this is so not good. I mean formal is the only way to go. Even if your signing up to be something that deals with videos and stuff. I think it would be ok to make a video resume and also do an formal interview. Not just a video interview to me that says your not really serious about doing what ever it is your trying to get.

Mapping your future

Posted by Tash on 10:06 AM
This article was mainly about how maps are always on going that there is always something new to put on a map. People are for ever changing the way that the land is like, adding new roads buildings and stuff like that. But also nature takes it's course like different land formations are different now. Hills are hills anymore things like that this was kinda.... well a lot boring in my opinion so this is going to be it ya'll bye!

Creative? you? yes!

Posted by Tash on 9:59 AM

Creativity is the combination of talent and effort that produces an outcome or a product that is both novel and useful, according th Jonathan Plucker, a professor of cognitive science. This means that you are creative in a lot of things from the certain way you do things like creating your myspace page and rearranging you playlist on your ipod. People may thing that you have to be a genius to be creative, i see it the other way around, the more stupid you are the more creative you seem! lol sorry to say but that is what i think. Creativity is says that enriches your life it does not improve it. But how is that? i mean if it helps enrich your life from being boring then wouldn't it be an improvement??? I thought this peace of writing because they state a lot of things that are actually bias not really truth in its self! but over all i think that it was kinda informative and got da brain workin!

Where do i go with Biology?

Posted by Tash on 8:59 AM

There are a lot of types to of different fields you can go into to become a Biologist there is a Genetic counselor, Science/technical editor,. environmental lawyer, nurses, science teachers and the big ones are Pathologists, oncologists, immunologists industrial biologists, biotechnologist, bioinformatics, and microbiologists. Also there are the people that are up close with nature like the Natural resource specialists, the wildlife biologists, and park rangers.

These are all very good jobs if you are into that whole study of like type of deal. I took biology and it was cool learning about the human body, plant cells the reproductive things about both animals and plants. But I don't think I would do this for a living! But you know to each his own!

Ecology By Design

Posted by Tash on 9:32 AM
This article was interesting to read because i really did not know that there was such a thing as "earth friendly clothes," but i guess anything is possible...
This chick talks about find fabric that is made from bamboo, and renewable resources made without pesticides. They make dresses, tops, and swim wear with this type of fabric. She works at this place called Loyale which is loyal to the environment and to the style. The clothing is manufactured in the US.


Posted by Tash on 9:10 AM

- Kiss on the Upperchest: I'm ready.
- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I think I like you.
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Touching on the Butt: Your fun.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.
- If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely
in Love.
- Post this again after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
- and can't get them out of your head.
- then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing
will surprise you.
- Repeat this as "What Each Kiss Means"

Majorly Unique

Posted by Tash on 9:14 AM

This article was about some careers that are very unique like going into agriculture/ organic agriculture were u can plant stuff organically and sell them. There are many jobs in this field also not just the ones were u have to plant food and stuff. You can go in to the business side too.
It also talked about designing toys. But you have to go through intensive course work in drawing, model making, brainstorming, and all that junk. I thought this was interesting because i never really thought that it took that much effort to make a toy, you have to consider all these things just to make toy that will sell.
This also talked about horses and if u like them u can make a career out of it. There are careers in horse training and management to build a successful breeding and training business!

Feed back 4 careers on delivery

Posted by Tash on 9:01 AM
The blogs that i read just told about what the careers on delivery was about. I thought they all sounded boring because the article was boring in itself! sorry i didn't like this one and don't wanna say anymore about this lame article.

COD Careers on delivery

Posted by Tash on 9:11 AM
This article states that there are a lot of job positions in the postal department. Not all the jobs involving the post office mean that your going to be a carrier which is the people that go out and deliver mail house to house apartment to apartment. No there are plenty of well paying jobs like sales, information technology, accounting whatever.
I never really thought about having a job at the post office because i use to think that the only job that were really there was the carrier thingy. But i guess i wouldn't mind working there if it didn't involve going from door to door and dealing with peoples dogs! lol. and I thought that it was interesting to know that most of the positions that are there require for an entrance exam! wow that's a trip!

Feed back from whats new interview

Posted by Tash on 9:01 AM

I read some interesting things, the first person thought that having an on the spot working interview would be the only way that the interviewer would be able to find out if the person was going to be right for the job. I also believe this too but in some cases not, some people may be just learning how do these things and it's only the first time everyone screws up the first time so i thought that was a clash there.
The second blog that i read just summarized was the whole article was about i thought that was kinda cheap i like it when people up things in their own terms and then give opinions, it makes a better read! well i didn't have much to say about this one cause i didn't have much to talk about they just summarized it well ta ta people check ya'll later!


Posted by Tash on 8:57 AM

I thought that this article was very interesting. It gave a lot of helpful information about job interviews. They explained that there are a lot of other types of interviews not just the regular traditional interview which is one-to-one. There are others like technological interviews that u via email or even IM, panel interview were you are interview by a group of people, working interview were of course u guessed it WORK, stress interviews were the interviewer will do things to see how u deal with stress, and then there is the behavior/situational interview were your asked how u would deal with certain situations to see if you are qualified for the job and if you deal with certain situations well.

Over all I think that the main point here is to be prepared for what position that you are applying for, and to just be yourself if your not qualified for the job then that means maybe that you wouldn’t have enjoyed it. I think its common sense to know what you are in store for though!


Posted by Tash on 8:25 AM
This girl i don't know her name talked about this article we read the other day, I thought she made good points stayed on subject and was really informative. I liked her blog. I'm not sure what else to say about it.

I read another blog from another girl. who says about the same thing that the other girl said but she used a lot more of her own opinions in it the other girl kind just retold the story in her own words i think this one was more interesting because she had her own ideas along with the summary! i would say good work on this one girl!


Posted by Tash on 9:36 AM

I thought that this was interesting i have never thought about being a teacher at all. The idea having to deal with other peoples kids and not your own is kind of a mystery why teachers teach.

This article was interesting because it was about this guy who is black that is a teacher that does things that some regular teachers would not. He teaches some lessons in rap. I thought that was cool.


Posted by Tash on 8:55 AM
I read about this guy who just explained what the story he read was about it had really none of his opinions about it on there so i don't know what else to say about that.

I also read this other blog that talked about the same thing i wrote about. It was similar in some ways but different in others as well like they said they like messes because they would find money and old junk they haven't seen in along time. Mine was just a way to stick it to the man! lol my cool reason!

well thats about it ya'll check ya later check ya later!

My Take On A Fine Mess

Posted by Tash on 9:00 AM

It was interesting to hear that being messy is what this man David Freedman say is better than being neat. He says that messy businesses actually work better then really neat ones. I thought this was interesting because it seems like all businesses stress their companies about perfection. I'm not such a neat person but also not a slob, but i think i can understand where this guy is coming from.

The author of A PERFECT MESS: THE HIDDEN BENEFITS OF DISORDER, says that if you are going to keep a tidy desk your going to be cleaning up your desk for at least and hour each day instead of focusing on more important things like your work. He also says that while u go hunting through your piles of "junk" u rediscover things. It will remind you of things and give you ideas.

The author also says "that when u follow schedules and highly ordered processes u lock out new opportunities to adapt to a very fast changing world." I thought this was interesting because it's kinda like what i feel i can not do the same thing over and over again day after day, i get bored tired of doing this over and over again. I'm not able to keep to a schedule i like to do things at my own pace and figure things out in my own way.


Posted by Tash on 8:49 AM

I learned how to use photo shop, how to make 3 dimensional objects, like a ball, i thought this was interesting but i could not get the hang of all the steps it requires to do this I get lost, and forget certain steps.

They also taught us how to make "bling-bling" & flaming writing, i think that they look cool but are hard to do, they require a lot of steps and me... i forget very easily! So that was hard for me!

We also learned how to change and make pictures look better or funnier! I enjoyed laughing at this because i have never seen this before!

Over all i think that every thing we have learned had been interesting and fun even while difficult sometimes will be very useful! i look forward to other things these dudes will teach us!